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Saturday, 15 May 2010

What a Surprise.

I just had to share my experience on the beach with the dogs this morning.
Having been in a world of my own listing to my MP3 player and throwing the ball for the dogs I looked up to come across a huge grey seal about 8 feet away from me on the shore line.I assumed it was dead as we do get a few washed up on the beach. The seal was about 4-5 feet in length.Bruce and Ellie started heading towards it so I called them back to me, Ellie came but Bruce decided to investigate further.
The seal then turned it's head towards us so I now knew it was in fact very much alive. I don't know who was more surprised, Bruce or the seal. Anyway, it turned very quickly and shot into the sea, Bruce decided not to follow as he is a bit of a wuss in the water. The seal leapt and dived into the sea and then came back up again and started swimming along the shore line diving into the sea and popping up again.
What a lovely start to the day. I feel very blessed to have been so close and witness such a lovely sight.


  1. Lovely to see the seal, great start to the day.Love your dogs by the way, Linda
